Thursday, April 30, 2009
Brown shiny nails

Look do Dia: Fernanda Lima

Não sei se vocês assistiram ao programa Altas Horas a algumas semanas atrás, mas Fernanda Lima estava linda de jaqueta de couro perfecto, calça de onça e sandálias abotinadas!!! Adorei o look!! Depois vi que o look é cavalera, aí me lembrei do desfile da marca que tinha realmente esta calça skinny (foto abaixo)!!
Pra falar a verdade, infelizmente Fernanda Lima é uma das únicas celebridades brasileiras que eu realmente admiro, por seu estilo, talento e beleza! As outras que me desculpem!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Antes e Depois: Oprah

Gente estou chocada!! Eu sou muito fã da Oprah, acho ela linda!! Mas olha só o que a maquiagem e um bom corte não fazem por uma pessoa!!! Inspirem-se e xô baixa auto-estima!!!
Fotos: popsugar e imagens google
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Nas alturas: Beyoncé Knowles

Deve ser bem difícil de se equilibrar num saltão desse!! Mas é lindíssimo, eu compraria com certeza!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Trend News

Pode tirar sua clássica jaquetinha jeans do armário, pois elas estão de volta!! A maneira mais legal de usá-la é com calça, vestido, shortinho e saia, tudo que não seja jeans, como nos exemplos das celebs aí debaixo!! Jeans com jeans não é legal e fica pesado visualmente, além de conferir um visual meio ultrapassado!! A minnha preferida dessas é a Balmain, a quinta da esquerda para direita na primeira fileira!!!
Olha que lindinha a Balmain com calça skinny branca e sandália com tachas!!! Ela está no site net-a-porter por meros U$ 5,075!! Uí!!
Quem usa:

Chloe Sevigny, Diane Kruger, Mandy Moore e Rihanna

Cameron lindinha com shortinho!!!
Halston Boots is the Summer Boots
As I was having may daily dose of blog/website reading, I came across the new Halston Boots. Usually, I am not a boot-fan but after I've seen theses knee-high and calf-skimming boots in black, fuchsia suede and metallic bronze colors, suddenly I fell in love with them. I should also mention their gorgeous stiletto heels!

As you can see, these boots are like gladiator sandals. It aims to give you a chic and sleek look while enjoying the summer air with its cute cut outs.
Photo via net-a-porter magazine

As you can see, these boots are like gladiator sandals. It aims to give you a chic and sleek look while enjoying the summer air with its cute cut outs.
Photo via net-a-porter magazine
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Cabelo Inspiração: Drew Barrymore

Adoro Drew Barrymore desde o filme ET, acho ela super fofa! A simpatia e o carisma dela são contagiantes, ela está sempre com esse sorriso irresistível no rosto!! Nessa premiere ela estava muito linda de vestido longo branco, entretanto o que mais me chamou atenção foi o cabelo da atriz!!

Parece que Drew tem gostado do cabelo armadinho, como vimos nesse post a um tempinho atrás, até brinquei que parecia com o cabelo da senhora do filme Mulheres à beira de um ataque de nervos!! Acho que a inspiração desse cabelo aí acima foi Brigitte Bardot, e vocês o que acham? Acho que vou copiar esse penteado para minha próxima festona!! Drew está arrasante!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Skinny gloss
I posted last week about finding my new perfect gloss- Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine for Lips in Peony. Well, I think it's officially surpassed perfect now. I've discovered since buying it that I've been snacking less. It's because my lips feel and look so perfect, and I'm way less likely to grab something when passing food because I don't want to mess up my lips (or eat a bunch of pinky-peach gloss). I'm wearing my new gloss almost all the time these days, so I'm munching way less.
And guess what? I've lost a whole pound this week! Yup, call me a genius.
And guess what? I've lost a whole pound this week! Yup, call me a genius.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Packing Light
I just got back from a funeral in Arkansas, and didn't feel like lugging around all of my big bottles of "necessary" beauty products. I like the idea of having one little bag with everything you need in it. And I actually did it! Here's what was in my one little makeup bag:
1. A 3-oz. travel bottle with Suave Kids Fairy Berry Strawberry 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner. I love this stuff. It smells awesome, the bottle is super cute, and it detangles my really tangle-prone hair (which means I don't have to lug around my bottle of detangler!) Oh, and I use it for body wash too. Perfect for traveling.
2. A disposable razor.
3. A tiny squeeze bottle with enough contact solution for two days.
4. My contact case & glasses.
5. A wide tooth comb.
6. A little bottle of Calgon Tahitian Orchid Body Spray. It smells really good and the spray bottle is the perfect size.
7. My Olay Total Effects Eye Transforming Cream. It's a little jar.
8. My Ban deodorant.
9. Here's what I'm really proud of: 2 old jars of lip gloss. I saved the empty ones, cleaned them, and filled one with my face wash and one with my moisturizer.
The only thing I really forgot was hairspray, but I had room in my little bag for a travel-sized bottle of it. Anyway, I was proud of myself. I fit everything for the entire weekend in the bag I carry my textbooks in. Pretty efficient, huh?
1. A 3-oz. travel bottle with Suave Kids Fairy Berry Strawberry 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner. I love this stuff. It smells awesome, the bottle is super cute, and it detangles my really tangle-prone hair (which means I don't have to lug around my bottle of detangler!) Oh, and I use it for body wash too. Perfect for traveling.
2. A disposable razor.
3. A tiny squeeze bottle with enough contact solution for two days.
4. My contact case & glasses.
5. A wide tooth comb.
6. A little bottle of Calgon Tahitian Orchid Body Spray. It smells really good and the spray bottle is the perfect size.
7. My Olay Total Effects Eye Transforming Cream. It's a little jar.
8. My Ban deodorant.
9. Here's what I'm really proud of: 2 old jars of lip gloss. I saved the empty ones, cleaned them, and filled one with my face wash and one with my moisturizer.
The only thing I really forgot was hairspray, but I had room in my little bag for a travel-sized bottle of it. Anyway, I was proud of myself. I fit everything for the entire weekend in the bag I carry my textbooks in. Pretty efficient, huh?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Bright pink lips like Alexis

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lipgloss holy grail

Ok, I cheated on my plan to not buy a lip product until I completely ran out... which would take me about 12 years I think, give or take. But I found the perfect color of lipgloss yesterday! It's Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine for Lips in Peony. See how pretty that is? It's the perfect pinky-peach that most drugstore lipglosses just don't carry. I'm ecstatic about this. It smells really good, like some sort of exotic fruit that I can't put my finger on. And it's super shiny (hence the Lacquer in the name) and iridescent. It's a little sticky, but I don't mind my lipgloss somewhat sticky. I hate those glosses that are so watery that I'm afraid they'll just slide off my lips. Oh, and it has a little brush applicator, not a sponge! Perfect.
The only problem? I think it's being discontinued.... I didn't find it on the Sally Hansen website.... Yikes.
Transformação: Leighton Meester

Gente eu adoro ver como as pessoas se transformam no decorrer dos anos!!! Olha a Leighton Meester, a linda Blair da série Gossip Girl!! Está cada dia mais linda, o cabelo castanho claro combina muito mais com ela do que o tom de loiro da segunda foto!! Muy guapa!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Weird face wash

On Friday night, I made a run to Walmart to pick up some hand soap because we were completely out. This particular kind looked really appealing (and smelled great!). And it's been working really well as hand wash.
Then I read the back of it.... It said, "Dial White Tea & Vitamin E Pearls Hand Soap is a crystal clear sensation that cares for your skin. Enriched with White Tea extract, a natural antioxidant, and nourishing Vitamin E complex, it works with your skin's natural moisturizers to help maintain a soft, supple, healthy feel while it gently cleans." And I thought hmmm.... This sounds like a face wash.
So what the heck, I tried washing my face with it. It's been 3 days now and my skin is amazingly soft. I don't have one single blemish or any of those annoying dry, crusty patches I usually do (my skin is sooo dry). I think this is a keeper- as a hand soap and a face wash! And it's a total steal at exactly $1.37 for 11.25 oz. at Walmart.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Chocolate Mud Masque

Today I threw my cousins a birthday party (all 3 of them just happened to have April birthdays). The theme was a spa party, or sparty, as I like to call it :P. I played some very zen relaxation music, lit some candles, set up a nail polish station, and of course did facials! I used face cleansing wipes, a homemade green tea toner, and my favorite moisturizer of all time, St. Ives Collagen Elastin Facial Moisturizer. I'd tried all of these before. What I hadn't tried was the Chocolate Mud Masque by Montagne Jeunesse. I picked some of them up at Walmart just this morning and thought they'd be fun. Boy, did it feel amazing! It smelled and felt just like chocolate mousse.
You're supposed to let it dry on your face for 10-15 minutes, and then wash it off. When I washed it off, my skin looked amazing! It was actually glowing. My cousins and I discovered that there's way too much in one packet for just one mask. So we saved what was left over in a little jar. We'll definitely be saving this for later!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Never buy a face scrub again!
I read an online beauty article the other day about DIY beauty products, and it said that you could use sugar to exfoliate your face. The article said it wasn't too harsh for your skin because sugar dissolves with water. Of course, I thought this was a great idea. Especially because every time I visit my mother-in-law, she sends me home with 30 cans of green beans and a big bag of sugar. But it wasn't until yesterday that it hit me- why not just mix a little bit of sugar in with your regular face wash? Then you'll know your face won't get irritated by it. Plus, you're saving money buy not going out and buying a separate scrub.
I tried it last night by mixing a little bit of sugar in with my regular Cetaphil and it worked great! My skin was really smooth, soft, and glowy. And now I finally have a use for all that sugar in my pantry!
I tried it last night by mixing a little bit of sugar in with my regular Cetaphil and it worked great! My skin was really smooth, soft, and glowy. And now I finally have a use for all that sugar in my pantry!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Leggings: Bleu Dame

Vocês viram as novas leggings do site Bleu Dame. São muito lindinhas e modernas, a última da foto é uma opção para quem não gosta das wet leggings!! Eu tenho uma de lamè com ziper e adoro, já usei algumas vezes quando dá uma esfriadinha no tempo!! Gostei bastante do material, muito bom, super indico!! Essa de renda e a xadrez me lembrou umas fotos do site Lookbook.nu. Lá tem ótimos looks com as leggings de renda, vejam só!!

Lembrar sempre de usá-las com a parte de cima longa (blusa ou vestido) e pra dar um ar moderninho usá-las com sandálias pesadas, sapatos oxford ou ankle boots! Quem está acima do peso prefira os modelos opacos!!
É isso aí ... Se joguem nas leggings!!
Mais looks com leggings!

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Ri-Ri: Que susto!!!

Ai gente, será que depois do que aconteceu com a Ri-Ri ela perdeu a auto-estima?
Nossa que cabelo é esse!?? Essa foto serve de exemplo pra gente, pois um bad hair day pode destruir o nosso visual!!!!!!!!!
Depois do sucedido com ela eu me recuso a ouvir e ver qualquer coisa referente aquele monstro do Chris Brown!!! Boicote total!
Foto: Popsugar.com
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Desejos: Baby Bags

1 e 9 - Leather Pouchy Buckle Across Body Bag - $36.32 - asos.com
2 -Bags - Women's Bags - Designer Handbags - $49.53 - asos.com
3 - Bags - Women's Bags - Designer Handbags - $40.45 asos.com
4 -Bags - Women's Bags - Designer Handbags - $24.35 - asos.com
5 e 7 - Contrast Bow Across Body Bag $16.51 - asos.com
6 - Leather Ruffle Detail Across Body Bag - $32.61 asos.com
8 - Bags - Women's Bags - Designer Handbags - $19.40 - asos.com
10 -Bags - Women's Bags - Designer Handbags - $24.35 GBP asos.com
11 - Women's Bags - Designer Handbags - $24.35 GBP - asos.com
Elas são lindas, fofinhas e cheias de charme!! Eu estou babando a tempos nos modelinhos da loja Asos!! Aqui no Brasil está difícil de encontrar!! Vou acabar caindo na tentação de comprar uma fora pela internet!!! Namorei a pretinha modelo 10 um tempão até que acabou, por isso eu falo, corram atrás da sua preferida antes que acabe!!!
Sabe o que é melhor nessas bolsinhas, é que nas saídinhas noturnas como jantares, cineminha, teatro e balada, elas funcionam super bem, pois vc não vai querer ficar com aquele peso no colo o tempo inteiro!!
O site Asos entrega no Brasil!! Só que cuidado com os preços, pois eles estão em euro, e lá na página em cima à direita tem os links para você fazer a conversão para dólares!!
No site da Oficina de Estilo tem post de o que carregar na sua baby bag, tem videozinho fofo da Fê!! Olha só!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Summer 2009 Must-Have: Trendy Swimwear
The sun is beaming brightly. It produces a different tingling heat. Can you feel it too? Well, here the Philippines, it's definitely summer time and I am so excited with this season. It means longer day, tanner skin, tons of sun block lotion or tanning oil, glasses of refreshing smoothies and drinks, time to play around and most of all having fun in a beach.
But before we head outdoors and bask on the heat of the sun let's check our bags if we got the summer must-haves such as swimwear.
There are lots of available swimwear but we should not buy impulsively. Keep in mind that they are not just for swimming, but for posing as well. You'll feel good if you're sporting a hot trendy swimwear. I looked on the Victoria's Secret site and here are some of the must-haves swimwear that every fashionista should grab:
Influences: Bohemian, retro, glamorous, sexy, one-shoulder, cut-outs

Accents: Ring hardware, buckles, belts, ruffles, chains and beads.

Prints: Geometrics, stripes, clashing, florals, animals, polka dots

Colors: Purples, metallics, brights, greens, solids

But before we head outdoors and bask on the heat of the sun let's check our bags if we got the summer must-haves such as swimwear.
There are lots of available swimwear but we should not buy impulsively. Keep in mind that they are not just for swimming, but for posing as well. You'll feel good if you're sporting a hot trendy swimwear. I looked on the Victoria's Secret site and here are some of the must-haves swimwear that every fashionista should grab:
Influences: Bohemian, retro, glamorous, sexy, one-shoulder, cut-outs

Accents: Ring hardware, buckles, belts, ruffles, chains and beads.

Prints: Geometrics, stripes, clashing, florals, animals, polka dots

Colors: Purples, metallics, brights, greens, solids

Transformação: Reese Witherspoon
A cor e o corte do cabelo de Reese Witherspoon está muito lindo!! Parece que a franja deixou as feições dela mais feminina!!!! Acho que ultimamente ela tem arrasado, está linda mesmo!! E olha o corpitcho enxuto dela, o vestidinho e saltão estão de++++!!
Fotos: Popsugar.com
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